Climate change is an urgent issue commonly shared by all humanity. Developing countries are facing the challenge of achieving decarbonization while promoting economic development at the same time. In order to realize a decarbonized society, it is important to introduce the policies and measures for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and to deploy carbon neutral technologies in a unified manner.
This page provides the examples of policy, measures and technologies that contribute to decarbonization in the transport sector. (Last update 4 March 2022)
Policies, Measures and Technologies for Decarbonization
Policy Goals
With the Declaration of Carbon Neutrality by 2050 and commitment to the FY2030 goal to reduce GHG Emissions by 46% from the base year FY2013, the transportation sector aims to reduce CO2 emissions by 35% by promoting the policy plans and measures based on the Act on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures.
Breakdown of Japan‘s GHG emissions in the transportation sector
- The Japanese CO2 emissions related to energy were approximately 1.03 billion [t-CO2] in the national greenhouse gas emissions in fiscal year 2019. The emissions from the transport sector were about 206 million [t-CO2], accounting for about 20% of the total energy-related CO2 emissions.
- In the transport sector, approximately 60% of the emissions are from passenger transport, and approximately 40% are from freight.
- According to the transportation modes, about 80% are from road transport including private cars and freight vehicles.
*From the National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES). Greenhouse Gas Inventory Office
Energy-related CO2 Emissions by Sector
Breakdown of Energy-related CO2 Emissions in the Transport Sector
Measures for Automobiles
Support for introduction of next generation vehicles
Infrastructure development support
Support for technology improvement and commercialization of next-generation vehicles
Promotion of Public Transportation
Measures for railways, navigation and aviation
Interdisciplinary measures: promotion of the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM)
Interdisciplinary measures: transition to a decarbonized lifestyle (transportation sector)
Action Plan for Promoting Eco-DrivingTechnologies
“Avoid” Technologies
“Shift” Technologies
LRT, BRT(*) and new urban rail transit system
* LRT: Light Rail Transit, BRT: Bus Rapid Transit
“Improve” Technologies
Zero-emission vehicle
Electric vehicle (EV)/ EV charging station
Monitoring Technologies
Measures for Decarbonization
Measures for Automobiles
Support for introduction of next generation vehicles |
Infrastructure development support |
Tax incentives |
Support for technology improvement and commercialization of next-generation vehicles |
Promotion of Public Transportation
Promotion & development of LRT and BRT |
Measures for the railways, navigation and aviation
Decarbonization of railways |
Decarbonization of navigation |
Decarbonization of aviation |
Promotion of decarbonized logistics
Streamlining truck transportation |
Measures at ports and harbors |
Interdisciplinary measures: promotion of the Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM)
The Joint Crediting Mechanism (JCM) |
Interdisciplinary measures: transition to a decarbonized lifestyle (transportation sector)
Eco Driving |
Action Plan for Promoting Eco-DrivingThe liaison meeting for eco-driving dissemination by the four relevant ministries and agencies (*) conduct activities to raise public awareness and improve the environment for eco-driving. So far, “10 Tips for Eco Drive” has been formulated and promoted. * National Police Agency, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, and Ministry of the Environment |
Car-share |
Technologies for Decarbonization
“Avoid” Technologies
Transit oriented development (TOD) |
“Shift” Technologies
LRT, BRT and new urban rail transit system |
“Improve“ Technologies: Zero Emission Vehicles
Electric vehicle (EV)/ EV charging station |
Fuel cell vehicle (FCV)/ FCV hydrogen station |
Fuel cell forklift |
Zero-carbon truck / bus |
Development of Fuel Cell Light Truck Vehicles (Technology Development and Demonstration Project to Strengthen CO2 Emission Reduction Measures in FY2019) |
Monitoring technology
Road traffic measuring equipment system |